March 28, 2011

Garage Cleanup

Just to give you a fair warning, the pictures that you are about to see may have a lasting effect on your opinion of us. But before you decide to un-friend us please wait until you see the "after" pictures. Since moving into our new house our garage has been our "catch all" for everything we didn't want to have to deal with or see in the house as well as all of the boxes we had yet to unpack. It was seriously getting out of hand. The more we put off cleaning it, the more the mess started creeping towards the door and we were doing the high knee lift exercise just to get to what we needed. Here are the highly embarrassing pictures of what our garage looked like before..

From the door looking in...

 The tool area...

 From the garage door looking in...

After some very hard work, and the boys' handy shelf building skills this is what we have now!!

From the door looking in...

 From the garage door looking in...

Now everything has a place, even the boys' muddy boots and work coats.

 The tools...

It feels so good to finally have that project done. We made a section of the shelf for yard sale stuff so we don't have to go rummaging through all our boxes again. One of my favorite things are the old tables set up in the middle of the garage to work on other projects! So despite the pouring rain we got it done, and are ready for our new projects! Phew!

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