So it occurred to me today that Ive never really shared my parties with you guys. I love to plan parties! I love deciding on a theme, then picking out cute crafts to make that will go with that theme. They are not always fancy parties, and maybe not even a technical "party" but just a decorated table for people to enjoy while they are at my house. But whatever it is, I love it. Since this blog is all about the things I love, why not share my pictures with you all?
Its so fun to see how my "style" has changed and evolved through the years. Its also nice to look back at some of these pictures and see how often I had to use only what we had. The budget is such deciding factor when it comes to planning a party, but when on a tight budget it forces you to become even more creative and really think outside the box! Unfortunately with a lot of these parties, the budget was also small in the camera department so a lot of the pictures are blurry. he he.
Lets start it off with something festive. This was our first Christmas party after Evan and I got married. We were living in a little one bedroom apartment so it wasn't the best place to have a party, but hey that just means less space to decorate!
One of the my favorite parts of a party is decorating the table. It makes the biggest impact and really puts you in the party mood.
Most of what was used on the table I had borrowed from my mother-in-law, which definitely saved my bacon (or at least my theme).
I made some place holders for everyone, one style for the girls and another for the boys.
I grabbed some spikey balls from the tree outside for my centerpiece.
Then started on the cookin. Its quite interesting trying to cook a fancy Christmas dinner in a kitchen this small, but with the help of my mom and sister we were able to get it done.
We made the classics.
Sweet potatoes, rolls, green beans, a green salad and my first ever ham!

The food was good but the company was even better.
The next party we had in this apartment was a surprise anniversary party for Evans parents. They were celebrating 30 years! Since it was an anniversary party we went with the traditional material of pearl.
My sister in law made chocolate cupcakes decorated with pearls and their initials. I made banana cupcakes with honey cinnamon frosting. Did you know you can buy edible pearl dust to go in your frosting?! There is also little edible pearl candies too!
I got this idea off of the Martha Stewart website to do a three sided picture frame.

You simply get three picture frames and take the backs off. Then you hinge them together to make a triangle, I think I just used tape, and print your pictures on vellum. Then you plop a candle in the middle and voila!
Don't they make the cutest couple!
Well thats two of the parties I've planned and Ill show you a couple more next time. Hope you've enjoyed them!